Monday, June 18, 2012

Monday - made it!

Ok, we're starting to feel the pace a bit, but today was a really neat day. The rest of this week will follow pretty much the same pattern: start with breakfast, then short devotions, then meet up with our kids (each one of us is assigned one or two kids to tutor all week). We spend the morning with them, playing in the playground, coming in to sing, and then breaking up into classes where the kids are learning about different countries in the world. Then we eat lunch and get assigned to various kinds of work for the afternoon. Some get a short break for showering and rest before supper (the group working with Mike doesn't often get this ;) ). After supper is cleaned up a bit, we're ready to head to the neighborhoods for kids club, then a treat stop of some sort, debrief, and then bed.
So that's pretty much what today looked like. It was *hot* - the forecast said 97 degrees and it was humid also!  We met our kids and they were for the most part really sweet kids. This is actually their first week of summer school so they're all excited about starting and interested in what's going on.
I'll try to have more of the kids share specifics about their experiences and the projects they're working on - stay tuned!

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