Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Interview with Walker

Q: Tell me about your wallet
A: It's constantly either in another pocket, or I just lost it. And the one time I remembered it, we got ice cream as a whole group so I didn't need it.

Q: Tell me about your kid
A: He's a very complicated, quiet, and kind of sassy, kind of anti-social person. He can be sweet sometimes. He'll draw me pictures. On the playground, the only game we play is hide-n-seek. Otherwise he likes to play with his Legos.

Q: Tell me about your suitcase
A: My suitcase is over 20 years old so it's pretty worn down. It has lots of secret compartments and is hard to spot among all the other black suitcases. It has a funny furry strap protector to help identify it.

Q: Tell me about your roommates
A: We actually get to SLEEP, and then we listen to the other rooms banging on the walls. We aren't that clean with our stuff, but we're not totally messy either.

Q: Anything else you'd like to tell me?
A: This is probably the trip I've had the most fun on. All the other trips have been pretty much games and stuff - I like to help people out. It's very planned out as well. I just hope Moses doesn't bring his Legos today.

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