Friday, June 15, 2012

And we're off!

Hello from somewhere in the middle of Illinois. I don't know if you realize this, but the middle of Illinois goes on pretty much forever. And it wasn't all that easy to get here. There was a LOT of work and coordination involved in getting ourselves together and on the road.

It involved all sorts of things from unloading and reloading equipment to getting 14 people's stuff to picking up 4 piƱatas to dropping off cars. But here we are and here, it feels, we'll stay forever.

One incredibly lovely thing about this state is that in it we were able to pick up Jeremiah and Christy as we passed through Chicago. They are going to be with us for the weekend - and we hope to talk them into staying the rest of the week as well. (please leave comments that will help convince them to stay! Jobs schmobs!) Already they have helped immeasurably by sharing driving.
So, things are good, people are in good spirits, and hopefully soon we'll have a supper stop.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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