Saturday, June 18, 2011

Site seeing with our St.Louis Neighbors

sure we have a jack!

St. Louis Basilica

Yes, Virginia, that IS real gold

wondering about the story of this chapel

What happened to the street that used to be here??

Inside the Basilica

The day started slow, even though we were awakened early by the other group throwing soccer balls.  We had a leisurely breakfast and group time where we talked about "who is our neighbor."  We then had many opportunities to discover our neighbors by heading to downtown St. Louis.  Inspite of the GPS's explicit instructions, we headed our own way.  On the way, we saw a car pulled over with police cars around.  When Mike asked what the trouble was, we learned they had a spare tire but no jack.  Well, we had those.  Please picture 3 vans and mini vans and 20 kids wandering around the side of the road as we helped get them back in gear.

Next we were off to the Basilica where we met another one of our neighbors. Mike made friends with a man who had traveled down from Minneapolis who was in need of food.  Well, we had that.  We explored the Basilica, we jammed to some music, played a raucous game of pterodactyl (for which the details are not forthcoming), and then were joined by John and Kathy at an interesting art museum.  And then it was off to the arch!

Neighbors from all over the country (as evidenced by the license plates in the parking lot) came to witness the magnificent arch and the mighty Mississsippi. The Mississippi is currently at about 30ft above its normal level, so the street in front of the arch was covered in water.  The water was a lovely and "normal" color.  This did not stop our intrepid people from wading across and hanging out on the viewing platform across the road.  Some even did many pushups into the water.  We're not sure why.  After exploring the museum beneath the arch, we headed to the St. Louis Union Station for food and frivolity.  We were surprised to learn that shop workers in St. Louis are quite musical.  Apparently, cutting fudge makes one burst into song!  We were almost tempted to join in, but then Lori started dancing and it was all downhill from there. :)

After almost leaving 2 from our group, we headed back to the dorm to meet the other groups- one from Mississippi and one from Kansas.  They should be fun folks to work with this week.  We're looking forward to it!  The evening wrapped up with a run to Ted Drewes, a custard stand indigenous to St. Louis.  Many more of our St. Louis neighbors were out and waiting for the edible awesomeness.  Custard, touring and fun people...maybe St. Louis won't be so bad.~Angela and Erica

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