Saturday, June 25, 2011

My great adventure (Antonio)

Well at first I thought to my self "should I go to St. Louis". I Talked to my parents about it and I convinced them on letting me go. When we arrived we went to the cahokia Mountains which was gorgeous with all the fire flies and good view of the city. Through out the week it was really tough waking up early in the morning, hanging out with the little rugrats and working with other people I don't even know. one of the best things is that i got to meet new friends. " myster,Luke, Hanna, Casey, Thorne, makensie, Austin, livie,
John and leaders like lil mike, Angela, Clint, Gosh, Keith, Andrew, and the funny one Elliot,anyways I had lots of fun just like pastor mike said. By: Antonio Renteria aka BBT

Location:St. Louis


Anonymous said...

Yeah its me antonio i just wanted to say all of these blogs are awesome and it helps me remember the good times in st. louis and what we did throughout the week, it was the best week of this year and i'd like to thank Mike Collison and angela for taking me, myster, and adrian. well all the drivers on the road to st. louis i got to meet myster and angela a little bit more, and casey, casey's sis, austin, thorne, elliot, andrew, nike and caled. i plan on going next year cause it has a lot of fun but the week was short.

ladybugblue said...

oh man - thanks Antonio - it made my day to read this! It really was a great week and I miss you all! -Angela