{Above is Nick and Luke building Cajons}
There were 25 Cajons built for kids, 5 for leaders, and 1 big Cajons for New City Fellowship. Most Cajons was built by the kids for the kids. The group including many of our team, plus a few others, split the steps into different days.
Step 1: Put the box together with glue and then glue on front bass
Step 2: Put in back support, snare, and hole (that includes the woodworking elves that exhausted themselves overnight)
Step 3: Sanding and staining with colors of mahogany, red, blue, green, pecan. The kids also designed their drums with criss cross, smilies, and other designs. There was clear coating them and drilling the screws.

{Above are the kids building their Cajons}
The background story to the Cajons started 3 years ago when Mike saw a Cajon at his brothers church. Mike soon figured out it was expensive and like Mike, he had to figure out how to build a Cajon and getting more for his buck. Mike, Nick, and Ryan built one and it seemed that people started to dig on them. Using their intelligent minds, the Cajons were used as a fundraiser to have more kids come to St. Louis. "It's a really hot selling item." said Mike. "Boy scouts, campfires, it's for everyone." An old idea of a box drum became a reality for kids of Firm Foundation as they enjoy their musical instruments. "It was crazy and a lot of work that pays off" said Nick Mautla, a main creator of the drum. "We didn't get the green light until two days before so Mike was running around." Nick continued. Nick's favorite moment was the drum circle where all the kids, with their unique drums, were led by Mike in a beat.
All in all, the drums were a success thanks to all who helped.
Written by Tate Phillip
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