Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wednesday - Guest Writers: Sara (“The floor recognizes Sara H”)

Getting done with work on time today??? OMG NOOO WAY!! Rachel, Ruby, and I worked with a new boss today (we were usually stationed w/ Mike building the swing set) and were able to shower and get to dinner with ample time to spare unlike the last two days with rushed showers and running to dinner. Tutoring has been an adventure for me this year. The past two years I had little girls that adored me and we had tons of fun together, but this year is a bit different. I was assigned two girls, Domia and Imani, the first of which I tutored last year. Domia and I get along great and she was overjoyed to see me again this year. However, Imani is another story, she seems to love me one minute and hate me the next. We have an interesting relationship so far. Today was better though, Domia has been sick the past two days :( which has given me more one-on-one time with Imani. She is getting better and our friendship is slowly developing despite our earlier struggles. I woke up this morning strangely missing home (not that I don't miss it everyday). It's Wednesday now, so our trip home is getting closer. I have developed new friendships with ATI (Andy the Intern), Hannah Welk, Calvin (Mike's nephew), and Mike Ziehr and have grown the relationships with Tate, Rachel, Ruby, Ryan, Lori, and Julie. I have deeply enjoyed my time here but I look forward to getting back to my regular schedule and my safe home and family. As I close I would like to say: “4-3-2-1...Earth below us....” (Major Tom-the song of the trip). Appreciate your loved ones and the comforts of your homes because it must take a lot for a small child in St. Louis to excitedly run up to you and hug your sweaty, smelly body hoping for love in return.

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