Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Guest writers: Ruby

Whats happening in Wis-CON-sin? Today was a good day. I finally got one of my two girls that I tutor to like me to the point where when we had to leave she hung onto my leg and I couldn't get off. So Andy, the intern tried to get her off and she bit him! It wasn't bad or anything but it was still very funny. My other girl that I tutor is very quiet and is not where she needs to be academically so it is a bit of a challenge. This afternoon Sara, Rachel and I went out in the backyard and helped some people weed. It started raining and the lead guy gracefully let us go inside and shower and then nap which was a blessing after the late work afternoons with Mike in the heat. So goodbye fellow wisconsinities I am off to take my first nap which I desperatly need! See everyone soon, hope everything is fantabulous in the North Pole (lol Tate) :D

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