Saturday, June 19, 2010

Are you David Taylor?

What do a police car, a silver van and a Mike Collison have in common?... David Taylor. Read on!

SANY1723Well, we’re in St. Louis. Three vehicles meant to leave from the church building at 8 am and finally rolled out “for real” around 10:30. The traffic wasn’t bad, though, so we got to the rendezvous with Mike’s sister (for some cousin swapping) at the same time she did. Hot yummy pizza in under a park pavilion  in humid 95-degree weather after  4 hours in the car? What could be better?!

SANY1724 Next stop? The Cahokia Mounds! Also known as the Giant Twinkie :), Monk’s Mound was constructed  by hand between from 900 to1100 AD. It still stands 100 feet tall and provides a fantastic view of the St. Louis – particularly at sunset! We wandered and played around a bit, prayed for the city, and headed back down.

Just as we neared the New City neighborhood, a squad car shot around Bob and Angela’s cars and pulled Mike’s van over. The officer came up to the van and asked Mike if he was David Taylor. Mike assured him that he was no such person, and we learned that there was an alert out for a silver van in connection with a domestic disturbance. We were soon en route once again and made it to the New City Dorms without further incident. 

The long day wrapped up with a general takeover of a local Steak and Shake restaurant and then crashing on floors as the dorm rooms were still being occupied by this past week's student groups. On to tomorrow's exploration of the City!

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