Hey - wireless is found!
'Twas a rainy drive over, but fairly uneventful. Although there was quite a fight over who would get to ride with Ryan that was finally resolved by an arm wrestling match. Lori learned how to text, and Mike's car evaluated Angela's music collection since her iPod couldn't connect anywhere else.
The church here is big and cool;

we were given a tour by Joel. Apparently when it was built in the 1800s it was the tallest building in downtown Minneapolis - before there was one!
Taylor is joining us fresh from his Saskatoon flight, and Lisa, Lori's daughter, is just arriving a block away by bus from UP Michigan. [story update! we
thought it was a block away. It was ten. So the whole group got back successfully - but very wet and bedraggled!]

Kids on the trip: Rachel, Alyssa, Tyana, Jenora, Hannah, Sara, Tate, Mike, Ryan, and Luke
Alumni on the trip: Taylor and Lisa
"Grown ups" ;) on the trip: Mike, Lori, Garry, and Angela
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