Tuesday was a great day. Tutoring went well, though the kids seems a little less behaved. We are getting to know them more and that does help. In the afternoon we again had a crew stay back and tutor. There were three crews. One was painting Miss Burns' garage. They got the first coat of white on. Another crew did weed whacking and mowing on a weedy sketchy corner. The city used to keep it up but stopped, so for increasing the safety of the neighborhood they keep it clear. This is right around the corner from where we did kid's club.
A delightful surprise at dinner - Katie (on cello), Andy (her older brother on viola), and the school's principal did a string trio. Lovely.
Kid's clup was excellent. Don't miss the face painting pix! Actually the kids did the painting on the arms, legs, and faces of our students. Angela even got a gang sign. The crazy Moses melodrama was a bit hit with Nate as Moses, Maya as the staff, and Brendon as the burning bush. We told the stories of God providing food and water for the Israelites in the desert. The craft was writing, "God Provides" on a colored plastic cup, then drawing favorite foods and drinks. When told that he got to keep the cup, one little boy was ecstatic and then even more excited when he was allowed to write on it, For passing out snacks we did a walk up. Two girls passed out snacks out the van windows. Afterward we had a cheese curd party in the Stern's backyard.
Bonus: My Friar Mike hair cut (compliments of Doug's Friar Cutz) is thickening up.
(today's photos)
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